Hollywood actress Uma Thurman shows off her bronzed physique aboard a luxury yacht. The gorgeous 38-year-old sipped on rosé wine while relaxing with her multi-millionaire fiancé Arpad 'Arki' Busson where they are holidaying together in Italy. Also aboard the liner with the Kill Bill star was Irish actor Liam Neeson and his wife Natasha Richardson.
Uma Thurman looks dazzling in a white bikini while aboard a luxury yacht in Italy
Uma with fiancé Arpad Busson sporting sunglasses and Irish actor Liam Neeson
Uma's bikini does not leave much to the imaginationAnd the Pulp Fiction actress has also recently hinted that expanding her family could well be on the cards. She said in an interview last month: 'I love and adore being a mother. (My children) are the greatest gift I've ever been given.' However last month Uma denied she was pregnant after pictures of her in a bikini on the island of Corsica sparked reports she was expecting.
The Kill Bill star prepares to jump off the yacht for a splash in the sea