I wanted to add the word "vile" somewhere in the title but I figured it was too harsh. Well not really so I guess I am just a civil person.
Basically, Jill Ishkanian thinks manipulating teenagers by constantly exposing them to skinny, airbrushed celebrities is amusing. She wants kids (and adults) to buy more and more beauty products, dieting packages and clothing so they can look like Kim Kardashian or Paris Hilton. I understand that fueling readers' interest in celebrities is what makes (actually,
made) her money, and in that, her livelihood. The thing I hate is that she is so cavalier about it. She actually seems like the type of insecure woman that feeds off the constant reassurance her "friends" offer, like, "Oh, no, you look great, you totally don't need to lose five pounds." So it's funny that she finds joy in spreading that insecurity which stems from the constant subjection of celebrities.
"Yeah, I love it, that that's the way the public is. Or I wouldn't have a job...I think it's hilarious. And I say what I do is art. I can, you know, make people interested in you when there's nothing interesting about you. We're corrupting more and more people to be interested in this stuff."
Great! Hey Jill. Hey. Did anyone tell you that "corruption," and "corrupting people" are actually bad things; not something to be proud of?
Also, she degrades New York and whoever degrades New York DIES.
"New York likes to think of themselves like 'Oh, all the fashion, everything's here, the news, you know,' I'm sorry, no one cares. No celebrities are in New York, unless they're manufactured...what they're doing is literally paying famous people to sit and watch the fashion shows, because they realize that's how you get buzz. It's all celebrities. If there was no celebrities there no one would care that Tom Ford has a new line. Nobody cares. I mean do you care? I don't care!" This bold statement is:
1. Grammatically incorrect. It should read, "if there
were no celebrities there no one would care..."
2. Factually incorrect. I care about Tom Ford's newest collections, not because celebrities are attending the runway show, but because I am truly interested in fashion. So Jill, you can sit at home on the couch watching Jersey Shore not caring about Tom Ford knowing that NO ONE LIKES YOU.
P.S. Google Jill Ishkanian and read all the delightful stuff about her and Heather Locklear.
Quotes from the documentary, "America the Beautiful."