Omgz I'm back. My trip (click
here for backstory) was actually fun, so now my parents have permission to say "I told you it wouldn't be so bad" and roll their eyes or whatever.
Just as a warning, there will be no Royal Wedding talk in this post or on this blog in general. I'm not so into the whole thing and not because I dislike the Prince or Kate Middleton, but simply because it just doesn't interest me.
So since I was on this super outdoorsy sporty kayaking trip for the past two days, I will show y'all just how unfashionably I was dressed. I felt like such a poser, you know; like if I was really into style I would have found a way to make myself look somewhat presentable. But I didn't want to be the one who was dressed completely inappropriately and was taken by the teachers for being the precious 'lil private school kid who can't handle nature.
I wore these Converse minus the star pins. I also switched the red laces for the normal white ones.
Man, didn't I look awesome?!
I actually should've showed up looking like this:
Kate Moss |
or this:
DSquared S/S '10