Foto Alessandra TorresaniOriginally posted by King Cobra
I kind of feel that way, since I've been posting a lot...and also since I can remember back to the great spikey vs. joey j wars.
BTW: Not the dreaded nightsextar tazo! :eek:
May 07: Alessandra TorresaniTicket? Didn't know they were handing out tickets.
Alessandra Toressani - ImageYOU WILL BUY A MUG NOW!!! NOW!!NOW!!NOW!!NOW!!:D :eek: :cool: :rolleyes: :p ;)
Alessandra Torresani PictureI have some "stuff" that i need to get rid of:
They are all free, so help your self:
1.PIII motherboard
2.PIII cooling fan
3.Powermac 7100 power supply
4.Apple floppy drive
5.Apple 700mb hard drive(not sure if it works)
6. 3com ethernet card(new)
you CAN take one, but i would rather someone take the lot(less shipping work for me)
if you have any 30pin memory you don't need, i can always use that
I'll take the motherboard, fan, power supply, and ethernet card. What kind of 30-pin are you looking for? I may have some. What kinda of computer do you need it for?
Alessandra Torresani MattHello, All!
I use iMovie 11 to combine basketball videos.
At each game, I have two video cameras -- one following action on the court, one zoomed in on the scoreboard. I then use PIP in iMovie 11 to superimpose the scoreboard on the basketball action.
How can I change the default size/location of Picture In Picture in iMovie 11?
Every single time I superimpose, I have to move and resize the PIP. I always make it the same size.
Can someone please tell me how to change the default Picture in Picture size/location?
Alessandra TorresaniDarien Red Sox
Apr 27, 03:39 PM
Just so you know there are no military applications that benefit from this.
The training programs the military uses for training would benefit from this, though I have not seen them in person because they are classified I am told they take up a massive amount of disk space and everything in the simulation is correct in terms of physics. Though these programs run on Linux and not Mac.
Alessandra Torresani inHe took the Der-Der-Der joke and beat it too death. That was the only funny thing, and he killed it.
And for the most part it is a Chappelle's Show wannabe, except with Mexican people and not black people...
don't forget wit. which is sorely lacking from mencia.
Alessandra Torresaniyaddam205
Mar 11, 09:55 AM
Is there anyone in line there yet?
I'm hoping to be down there by 3 at the latest.
Actress Alessandra TorresaniDivineEvil
May 25, 05:43 PM
I almost got a heart attack that I read Apple Releases Boot Camp Updates... I though that finally the backlit will not be always on or the light sensor will start working or there will be more decent multitouch trackpad...
... then I read for the LATEST mbp 13" :(:mad::(...
Alessandra Torresani IsiJohnHenry
Apr 25, 05:43 PM
We print out all spam posts and keep them in notebooks so arn can review them during our bi-centurial performance evaluations.
Oh, is arn مرد دو صد ساله ??
I guess that's better than coffins and dirt from Transylvania.
Apr 26, 07:20 AM
The Mac Mini, iMac and Macbooks will all be updated some time soon. The Mac Mini and Macbook will get Core i3 @2.1GHz, with the Intel HD 3000 GPU. iMacs will have a base model with Core i5. The Mini and Macbook will be far more powerful than they are now - the Core 2 Duos are outdated now. It also depends on whether you have got your own keyboard, mouse and display. If you have, and you're happy to use them, the Mac Mini will probably save you a bit of cash.
quot;Alessandra Torresaniquot;I've discussed the reasons for adding the cleanup template with 840quadra via PM, so hopefully it's all cleared up. I had originally stated reasons when I made the edit, but I had been in a hurry so must have mistakenly removed them. I apologize for this.
I've made some major changes to the page (and removed the cleanup template), including removing most of the images. I think they added a lot of clutter to the page while providing minimal gain, and also resulted in excessive load times (especially for users on dialup). However, I'm open to discussion about this if people disagree with the change, and if the general consensus is to put the removed images back, I'd be happy for that to happen.
But I don't understand this whole "ugly guide" thing...isn't just sending the PM and not moving the guide at all enough?
The point of the cleanup template isn't to tell the original author that they need to clean it up, but rather that the community in general needs to clean it up, since each article is not "owned" by the original author (so a PM wouldn't be appropriate). Personally I don't agree with them being called "ugly guides", it's usually more an issue of them not being consistent with formatting of other pages (and sometimes also having bad spelling and/or grammar) than them being ugly. For reference, all I originally did was add the cleanup template to the top of the page, and as a side effect it's added to the Ugly Guides category. I didn't "move" the article there.
Alessandra TorresaniI was going to get the first tube to Covent garden which gets in at 5:44. The bus is always an option though...
I'm beginning to consider not going to bed at all, going to my meagre 2hours of lectures from 9-11am (depending on whether I have my iPad 2 in hand, I'm really not bothered if I miss them) and then get some sleep in the afternoon.
So yeah, 4am would be good for me unless you wanted to get there a bit earlier? I imagine most people would be getting the first tube in actually...
Alessandra Torresani PictureAfter some research my top 3 sorted options are:
1.- OCZ Vertex 2 120GB
2.- Intel X25-M 120GB
3.- Samsung 470 Series 128GB
I will be using it as my boot drive for Mac OS X 10.6.7, any suggestion which one would be the best option for speed ?, thanks
I don't think there is a "best".
I've been using the OCZ Vertex 2 120GB in my MP and it's been 100% stable (zero sleep issues) and hasn't slowed down in 8+ months of use.
Alessandra Torresani ProfileGGJstudios
May 5, 07:08 PM
Install iStat Pro ( to get accurate readings of your temps, among other things.
Alessandra Torresaniwhiteshadoww
Jun 20, 08:09 PM
Too bad the person stung by the 2 hornets didn't already have his iPhone 4. I'm almost certain that the new iPhone would contain some kind of antidote that would have been very helpful. I guess we will all just have to wait for Thursday!
Is everyone with an iPhone going to download iOS 4 tom and test I out or are you guys going to wait for Thursday?
Alessandra Torresani inHere's an earlier related thread:
Alessandra Torresani Picture #Island Dog
Sep 19, 08:25 PM
I just received my quote from the "Business Manager" at the local Apple store. I have to purchase through my wife's company so the quote is just for the 12" iBook without any upgrades.
However, I would like to upgrade to the 60gb drive. When I bring them the company check do you think I can just add the upgrade then and pay the difference myself. I think it's only $50 for the upgrade.
Also, if I am able to upgrade, do I have to wait long for the upgrade?
Thanks for your help. I am getting ready to purchase my first iBook and I'm not very familiar with dealing with Apple.
Alessandra Torresani Twitter+1 for the O2 store
What time you heading there for? You think there will be many others?
what are the main differences between the iphone and ipad versions? Figure I could just buy the iphone version and use it on the ipad with fullforce.
They have. I didn't need one either.
Edit: 1 invite left.
How do I give out these invites... I know people who would appreciate it....
Apr 28, 05:42 AM
I heard that the Special Red Edition iPhone 3G Pro will be released soon, if so, will it be 16GB or 32GB? Or, it will have both formats? Will you get this special version instead of a black or white one?
No, love.
"Special Red Edition iPhone 3G Pro".
So, other than a colour change, what makes it Pro?
Move along people.
Have you tried firing up the Terminal program in OSX and using the ftp command-line interface?
Does that freeze up as well?no and i have no idea how to do that. terminal is a bit intimidating.
im using Verizon DSL. Im connected to a wireless router.
maybe you will find a bit more functionality here :D
this is helpful if you've never used terminal before
Title :
alessandra torresani imagenes
Description : Foto Alessandra Torresani tazo Oct 13, 10:32 PM Originally posted by King Cobra I kind of feel that way, since I've been posting a lot....
Rating :