Importing from Europe would be even more interesting. But I'm not sure that most of the cars built for their consumption meet U.S. emissions and crash testing standards. Therefore, obtaining registration would probably be unduly difficult.
cars tend to be much more expensive (same models) in Europe,though... guess you wouldn't have to pay taxes there, but I am not sure to how much this accounts for.
I really wish to se the Audi A2 here in the is not the most 'manly' car
NY Fashion Week: Zac PosenWe're about 30 mins away. Their employees have been coming out periodically taking pictures and giving out water bottles.
The best part is Alan (kid with the fro) has been telling anyone thats asked us why we're waiting in line is that Abercrombie is looking for new models. None of us are exactly "model material" but alotta people have been going along with it. There'll be a video up later tonight, it's priceless! :D
PFW zac posen ss 11.jpgBut geohot is using sony code to exploit their hardware which is a violation of copyright according to the DMCA. Quite another beast to deal with
Please do not introduce facts into the discussion when the Chicken Littles are trying to fuel emotions so fools and their money are soon parted.
Zac Posen and his posse of
From: Target (Zac Posen forI disagree Zarathustra, the Prismo looks like a basic looking laptop to me. The powerbook Ti has a very distinctive look and the images show very clearly* that its a powerbook ti
Jun 15, 01:06 AM
Let him pay $500-$900 retail if he doesn't want one with dead pixels, I AM SICK OF HEARING PEOPLE COMPLAIN ABOUT IT!!"
Just to reiterate, never ever use bliss. It's not their products, but the attitude. I understand if you offer cheaper products, but don't tout them as perfectly good if you're going to be pissed when people find out they're not.
z-spoke-zac-posen-saks-fall-Yep--the white 5.5G lives in the SoundDock, the black 5G did live in the car but will be gotten rid of in favor of the new 7G classic, the mini I just love--my first iPod was a silver mini that I had for three years but then lost, then feeling nostalgic I found this one NIB on ebay last year so I had to pick it up. The 7G Classic in the case is my normal everyday iPod, as are the three nanos. So I'm a little overboard on my everyday iPods, as I certainly don't need four, but the nanos are prime and the classic is just the best...I just couldn't decide on a nano color.:o
Apr 22, 01:02 AM
reebzor: Given that I can't have wiring running around to the speakers (that need to be on opposite ends of the room), unfortunately this won't work.
waw74: It sounds like airplay speakers would be the best bet for ease of setup (in theory). The ihome option looks really nice - what a bummer they aren't available yet. Looks like the only AirPlay speaker available now is the Zeppelin Air ($600 apiece, so $1200 for a I'm a bit confused why it has a dock though, since it seems the reason for buying one would be to use airplay, but maybe I am missing the point.
Sounds like Airport Express would be the least expensive option. I didn't know I can make an Express a "base" without having internet access. So to make sure i understand ... I would buy 2 Airport Expresses. I would connect my MBP to one AirPort Express (no internet connection needed), and then have the AirPort Express create a wireless network, which I could then connect the second AirPort Express to using my MBP. The just plug speakers in the Expresses on opposite sides of the room, and I'll be good to go, correct?
by Zac Posen Spring 2011.ECUpirate44
Mar 21, 09:04 PM
At this point im just frustrated. I changed the host file with this ip Then I followed all the steps and got 4.2.1 on. When I went to jailbreak, I got it into DFU mode but the jailbreak failed. Now I just want to update to 4.3 but I cant because I dont remember what I changed and replace with this Anybody know the original text so I can update to 4.3?
zac posen wedding dressi have to ask... what is with the drop shadow? huge, obvious drop shadows are NOT good unless you are animating 3d objects or doing motion graphics... the big drop shadow is running rampant around the web attacking sites left and right... i say we start here and rise against the drop shadow.
beyond that, like other users said, your tech side is fine. as for visuals, others have pointed out the color issues.
as a general rule, to see what other designers are doing, check out design portals such as news today, design is kinky or k10k. there are tons out there and they show the best of the best digital artists.
From: Target (Zac Posen forI dont think Apple will slap it into Powerbook, it just seems 2 big for it (phisical size). Remember, PBs are 1 inch think and are getting 20-40 % smaller with Intel!
Is it really that big? It measures about 1.8" by 1.8", and the package includes both GPU and 128 MB RAM. I forget how big 9700 was, but X1600 should be smaller.
Today kicks off the Zac PosenWiredrawn
Jun 26, 10:47 AM
Are you shipping to the UK?
If so, I would be interested.
Zac Posen Pre-fall 2010Might get the second, i've heard great things about i7. Also i've heard wifi is better on MB because the aluminum interferes on the MBP?
With a MBP you get a newer processor that won't be outdated nearly as fast as a C2D. You also get thunderbolt. It may not mean anything to you now since there are not that many thunderbolt devices but there will be in the future, and you get a better graphics card in a MBP than in the MB. You get Intel HD 3000 in the MBP and NVIDIA Geforce 320M in the MacBook. The Intel has 384MB whereas the NVIDIA has 256MB
Zac Posen for Target: What Didmasterjedi73
Sep 17, 03:10 PM
hey there -
i want to add memory to my power mac g5 tower. (dual 1.8) but I don't know which kind to i have to add it in pairs? how do i tell?
From: Target (Zac Posen forobeygiant
Apr 18, 07:16 AM
A gay lightbulb?
Zac Posen for Target HitsHellhammer
Mar 17, 09:17 AM
Is that done just by going to accounts, unlocking the lock, right clicking the name and selecting the home folder -- and I presume just making sure it's the same folder that is selected for SL?
System Preferences > Accounts > Click the lock and type your password > Right-click the user and select "Advanced Options..." > Home directory
You just select the same folder as in SL. If your username is Steve, then it would be Macintosh HD/Users/Steve, assuming Macintosh HD is the volume where SL is installed.
Also, given my setup (SSD booting and running SL with my apps) what is the best way to install Lion? I have the dmg. file, so what would I do to make sure I don't wipe out my SSD situation?
Create a new partition to the HD (e.g. Mac OS X Lion) and when installing Lion, it will ask you where do you want to install it. Select the volume you just created and that's it. You don't need to boot from the DMG, just open it while running SL
Mar 21, 09:04 PM
At this point im just frustrated. I changed the host file with this ip Then I followed all the steps and got 4.2.1 on. When I went to jailbreak, I got it into DFU mode but the jailbreak failed. Now I just want to update to 4.3 but I cant because I dont remember what I changed and replace with this Anybody know the original text so I can update to 4.3?
Dec 31, 08:04 AM
Native Instruments (, Traktor 2.5 IMHO is essential for non-vinyl Dj'ing, and with Reaktor Session you get excellent synths for a decent price... I like that :)
T.C. Electronic ( are cool too, because they give you their powerful Spark ME audio editor for free...
and finally, the team that develops VLC Mediaplayer (
Copy and pasted, removed extraneous crap. Anyway.. nothing new here to see.
Great site, not unlike this one:- a lot of people who seem to enjoy a good barney every once in a while. Some N00bs, some real old hands, a good mix!
Been going there for a while. :D
For sure, bigblue's been none of the most helpful forums vie ever used.
you could always do what I did and buy a cheap off-contract phone that requires the data plan, then wait it out to see what the iPhone 5 adds to the table.
I bought a Palm Pixi Plus for $60 off of Newegg, it got me the unlimited data plan, plus they threw in a complimentary 5GB tethering option as well since that was also included with the Pixi Plus, due to the mobile hotspot feature, when they actually still carried the phone. They couldn't answer for sure when I asked if the tethering would transfer if I upgraded down the line, but they assured me the unlimited data would. Also, by getting the off contract phone it left my previous upgrades (I've still got 2 accrued since I haven't used an upgrade in 4 years) intact for use on the iPhone 5, or other phone if I so choose.