Julia Restoin-Roitfeld andRocky3478
Mar 30, 11:07 AM
Can anyone help me with two questions:
1) Has the software update feature for Firefox ever work in identifying that there is a new version of FF itself out? I get updates to themes and extensions, but never FF. PR didn't find 1.0 when I clicked the prefs check for updates, and 1.0 didn't find 1.0.1, and now 1.0.1 didn't find 1.0.2. In the previous two cases, this was true even a couple weeks after the release of the new version (months for a lab PC using PR 0.8 that I hadn't been using for a while). So I figure that for some reason, the feature just doesn't work for me, in spite of the fact that there is an option checked right there, to look for FF updates.
2) Since search plug-ins are stored inside the contents of Firefox, what do people do in order to avoid having to re-install all their search plug-ins? Archive the directory and restore it? Or is there an easier way?
1) I don't believe so.
2) I just uninstall and reinstall the new version of Firefox. I haven't noticed that I lose anything, bookmarks, extensions, or plugins.
Oh, and I'm on a Windows :mad: machine. I don't know if that makes a difference.
Hope this helps you out.
Julia Restoin-Roitfeld is onedabirdwell
Mar 27, 10:54 PM
also looks a lot better if you have the expansion pack.
My six year old inherited my old 64 last year and he got a ton of stuff for it this holiday season.
Julia Restoin-Roitfeld.840quadra
Dec 16, 02:03 AM
I love the face when the ibook strikes!
Great Avatar, fits the creative / whitty attitude of the person who created it :p :D
Julia Restoin-Roitfeld VS BeeMacGeekJunior
Mar 13, 03:20 AM
How do install lion on a external?
Her style is just effortlessThunderLounge
Oct 26, 10:28 PM
Wow. That many people showed up at Penn?
Too bad the store isn't in Crossroads. All the teenies would have had to wait until tomorrow. :D
Ugh... Guess I'll drive in that way tomorrow. I have some other stuff to do anyway.
Mother and daughter, Julia inHi,
I have two internet connections here, one via GBit-Ethernet to my Mac Mini and a slower one connected to my WiFi router. I just bought a wireless printer, thus I need to connect the Mini to the WiFi to print.
I think this is not explicitly specified, but which connection will be used to route to the internet? It would be unfortunate to use the WiFi, as it's about 5 times slower.
Can I set the wired connection to be default for all connections, and route only the traffic that really has to go into the WiFi? All that comes to mind at the moment is removing the gateway/router address.
Better ideas?
Julia Restoin-Roitfeld atMitthrawnuruodo
Sep 9, 06:45 AM
Anything by The Bloodhound Gang... :D
Julia Restoin Roitfeld.They have pulled the action figure after getting a Cease and Desist order from Apple. Grrrr!
If anyone got one shipped before they put the kabash on them, you just made a mint. Will be a phenomenal collectible that will now be a very seriously limited edition!
and Julia Restoin RoitfeldMacCrackAddict
Apr 6, 09:04 PM
i can't find how i make a pic my profile picture ANYWHERE, ive tried creating albums and looked everywhere i can think of. If i'm completely blind and missing something, sorry but any help would be great!
Julia Restoin-Roitfeld Juliad_and_n5000
Dec 21, 07:53 PM
Maybe you left something, like food, inside, and it is burning because of the heat. I've heard of horror stories at schools that use iBooks, where kids have papers and food instead of AirPort cards-scary. Have you left food in the AirPort slot?
Julia Restoin-RoitfeldI really like the griffin elevator but im looking for one where i can use the laptop comfortably while its not connected to a different screen
Julia Restoin-Roitfeld Julia100Teraflops
Apr 11, 08:24 PM
Ok, so lets say I go with 3rd party memory. If I have an unrelated problem with the MBP, would I need to put the original memory back in before taking it in for service?
I'm new to the whole Mac thing. Thanks.
I swapped out the factory ram with some stuff from OWC. I will keep my factory ram, FYI. As you state, if I have a problem, then Apple cannot give me crap for using third party ram. If the problem is ram related or I suspect a ram issue, then I have my original ram to replace the OWC stuff and conduct tests. It's a win-win situation honestly. Hope this helps.
Girl Crush: Julia Restoin-Only three things come to mind:
1) That you are inadvertently calling mysqli_close somewhere before a query or ping, maybe in one of your includes.
2) You are overwriting $conn somewhere else.
3) Some PHP bug in an older version of PHP perhaps. Are you guys running on CentOS / RHEL? If so I would suggest upgrading to 5.2 from the testing repos and see if that helps.
Julia Restoin Roitfeld inThe new one has some improvements in internal layout, cooling, and expandability.
If you do not plan on upgrading the machines while you own them -- then buying on cost alone shouldn't be much of a problem during ownership, since performance is similar.
However, if you plan on doing a lot of heavy optical burning (or see the need to keep optical up-to-date or need more than one), if you see the need a bunch of HDs, or you plan on keeping the CPU up-to-date -- then the newer one may make a little more sense.
is Julia Restoin-Roitfeld.Peter.Howard
Nov 13, 09:21 PM
yeah the happy mac thats what i see no matter when i push the shift key
It of course shouldn't matter, but you are using the shift key below the caps lock?
I'm about at the limit of my knowledge from what I remember about these sorry.
Maybe someone else can jump in with some ideas?
Seems odd that it will not boot without extensions, or if it is getting to that point even?
Julia Restoin-RoitfeldWhat about it?
If you use it, that won't happen unless you've already clicked on the video to view it.
Julia Restoin-RoitfeldApplejuiced
May 2, 10:39 PM
Julia Restoin-Roitfeld (MayIt's so cheesy and stupid.
Julia Restoin RoitfeldI check Amazon every once in a while to see how Apple's hardware is selling, it's always cool to see their products at the top of the best selling list :)
Nice shot, would be nice if there were less clouds around the mountain as it covers a lot of it up and is distracting. Plus would use just a very slight increase in vibrancy just to make the colours pop a bit more. also slightly increase contrast through Levels... again only a touch. that's only from my personal point of view though. Here's a slight adjustment for what it's worth.. http://img814.imageshack.us/img814/7536/editedu.jpg
That was the least amount of clouds all week. Typically the top is covered. I like the adjustment.
I haven't started using a photo editing program yet. I wanted to get a good handle on the photography first.
I know a lot of people are worried about not receiving their copy by the 26th, though - as am I.
Nov 27, 02:46 PM
Are you trying to ftp to a windows box with firewall enabled, but not configure properly for ftp? That is exactly what happens.
Sep 28, 03:03 PM
My ignorance is showing. Thanks, that was it.
Whose? James Craner's suggestion or mine? You didn't quote the post you used...
total 0
drwxr-xr-x 1 root admin 0 22 Apr 2009 .
drwxrwxrwt 5 root admin 170 24 Feb 07:50 ..