The leaks tool doesn't tell you where leaks happened. It tells you where leaked objects were created. The red line is where the leaked string was created.
There's no obvious bug in the code shown. Does anything else leak? Do you release the address in the MapViewController dealloc method? Does the MapViewController leak?
@interface MapViewController : UIViewController <MKMapViewDelegate,NSXMLParserDelegate>
once again Sarah Palin issimsaladimbamba
Feb 4, 01:18 PM
The size of neither HDD has any effect on the outcome, only the size of the actual backup. If you have a backup of 150GB, then it will take roughly 150GB on the 320GB HDD and the other 170GB will be there for you to use.
Time Machine FAQ (
michelle obama in palin wadersI have acquired an iMac g4 700 with only a cd drive. I would like to install Tiger via a retail DVD. Can I place the DVD in another machine and install via FireWire?
Thx rob
Sarah Palin: #39;Sweat is myIt works on my iPad 2. It shows the Netflix red screen on my iPad and then the stream on my TV with the audio coming from my TV. I don't have to do anything special aside from plug the cables in and we're good to go. I don't have any additional display apps on my iPad.
Are you using the new HDMI adapter?
Sarah Palin#39;s Newsweek Coverstevehaslip
Nov 13, 05:30 AM
hehehehe anyone want a tasteless spymac pullover for christmas?!?
whats that i hear? giggling and laughter? surely not! :D
way to sell out in the worst possible way
Sarah Palin se destapaParadoxeon
Apr 3, 09:38 PM
@Tmelon hm. that might actually be plausible since I haven't restarted my mac ever since this morning. thx for the tip :D
Sarah Palin has nothing to doTried to send you a pm, but your box is full.
Put me in line, if not first in line pending pics. I would like a machine of these specs. Consider me a serious buyer if there is no serious damage.
sarah palin runners world.I made it slower... it showed up faster on my Gif Builder.
pictures of Sarah PalinHorrortaxi
Aug 19, 01:46 PM
I think I'm onto something good. Have you heard of the 5 stages of grief? If you learn you have a fatal disease or a loved one has a fatal disease (also applies to relationships) you go through 5 stages: denial, resentment, bargaining, depression, acceptance. With that in mind, here are the Five Stages of Switching:
The first stage is denial
Upon hearing others badmouth Windows, the user reacts with a shocked, "No, it�s okay. It�s got problems but computers have to crash sometimes." This is not a healthy stage, but permits some users to not blindly accept Microsoft�s BS and develop other defenses.
Next comes anger or resentment
"What makes Mac users think their computer is better than mine? Jerks!" is the question asked now. Abuse, directed against the Mac community (usually on internet message boards and in Comp USA) often is a part of this stage. This outcry should be accepted, unjudged. You cannot reason with somebody in this stage. Facts are lost on them.
The third stage is bargaining
"Windows has problems, but�" "If I buy the latest version and install all the patches . . ." This is a period of temporary truce.
The fourth stage is depression
Now the person says, "Yes, Windows sucks and is ruining my life," with the courage to admit that it is happening; this acknowledgment brings depression. (Note: The family rarely goes through the stages along with the user. Rather, they enable the denial and resentment stages)
Finally comes acceptance
The user buys a Mac and demolishes his old PC with a baseball bat, just like the fax machine in Office Space. This is often a difficult time for the family, since the patient tends to withdraw to use his Mac. It is also difficult for the family because they are probably in denial themselves.
Over the weekend Sarah PalinI bought a 16GB iPod touch at the Ginza Apple Store on Tuesday. I already had an 8GB model (bought the day launched in Japan from BicCamera) and this has found it's way to my partner, so not a waste of money - we were both getting one eventually. There were quite a few in stock, and when I asked they said that most of the 16GB are finding their way to the Apple Stores, and other venders (like BicCamera) are only getting the 8GB in larger quantities.
Anyway, will see if I can 'appropriate' a couple of extra t-shirts for my fellow Tokyo based MacRumor colleagues who can't attend! Probably not possible, but I did get some extra stuff when Tiger came out…
Thanks for the update on the iPod Touch.
A T-Shirt would be cool! :)
Apr 14, 08:40 PM
Worked like a charm!
Apr 15, 12:13 AM
This one has better sound effects:
Haha. Classic.
ITASOR, the lines you see when you put other LCDs on the wrong refresh rate: do they _really_ look like the alternate 1 pixel wide static horizontal lines on the PBs?
I only ask, because the PBs also show a variety of wider horizontal "interference" banding and wavy dynamic diagonal banding in some colours, which is worse in the top left of the screen. And I wonder if this is what you refer to.
p.s Not got your pixelmurder to do its trick yet on one rouge sticky pixel - but it's fun all the same :)
Personally, I think it's a refresh rate issue which I think is a software issue. If I put any of my LCDs on the wrong refresh rate, they have identical lines to those of the powerbook.
I don't care if I don't own my music, I still can listen to it whenever I want, what I do care about is my favorite artists getting a bigger bit of the cake when it comes to what I spend. Stick it to the recording studios... as long as the prices don't increase to compensate their greedy little pockets.
LABOR has been swept away by strong swings in NSW and Queensland, leaving Australia facing a hung Parliament with both houses to be controlled by independents and a surging Greens party.
Labor and the Coalition each fell short last night of winning the majority 76 seats needed to govern in their own right and last night both sides immediately started wooing the four independents and one Green who secured seats in the House of Representatives
Link (
Could be days before we find out whats going to go down!