Guyism After Dark: Beyonce, Jennifer, or Zharick??? Posted: 19 May 2011 04:00 PM PDT |
VIDEO: Botaoshi, the amazing Japanese game of pole pull-down Posted: 19 May 2011 02:00 PM PDT Botaoshi is what you’re seeing to the right. Is it the greatest game of all-time? Well, I don’t want to get ahead of myself, but, um, YES. Yes it is the greatest game of all-time. And yes, it does seem like “extreme Red Rover with poles.” As far as I can tell, the rules are 1) pull the other team’s pole down and 2) don’t get killed. Actually, as far as I can ascertain, there are two teams. Each one has 150 people. 75 guys try to keep their pole up, the other 75 try to pull down the opponent’s pole. Yes, it’s the most giant euphemism ever. |
This is an actual love letter from a 3rd grader to a girl Posted: 19 May 2011 01:30 PM PDT According to this Reddit thread, this letter comes via a teacher confiscating a note being passed from one student to another. In it, a third grader named Aaron proclaims his love for a girl named Heather. Kid’s a little dramatic for third grade (the fuck do you want to die over, kid? A mediocre episode of “Courage the Cowardly Dog”?), but he makes some good points. That said, he could probably use some help picking women; I don’t think a girl keeping your heart at the correct beat is anything noteworthy. A roast beef sandwich might keep your heart at the correct beat…doesn’t mean you’re in love with it. Aaron, you’ve got your shit together better than most men three times your age. Aim higher than some girl who you met at church who’s moderately attractive and noteworthy for such things as “being fun” and “having weaknesses”. Or aim lower and shoot for “has two legs” and “can finish a sentence without slandering an ethnic group”. Either/or. But mediocrity is never the answer, li’l man. |
Monika Pietrasinska in some awe-inspiring lingerie photos Posted: 19 May 2011 01:00 PM PDT |
VIDEO: Portal 2 is supposedly insensitive to orphans Posted: 19 May 2011 01:00 PM PDT A family unit has been forever torn asunder due to an innocent father and daughter Portal 2 session due to what the big bad robot had to say. Seriously. Easily my favorite line from the overly sensitive dad has to be “[the game] said rated E for everyone… except for orphans.” LOL. And of course, the news station conveniently isolated Wheatley’s insulting dialogue without showing any of the accompanying dialogue from GLaDOS, rendering a part of the game completely out of context. But hey, it’s the 11:00 news, why should the details matter? BTW, $20 says that the girl wasn’t actually upset and simply asked a question, and parents today basically freak out whenever they have to… you know… act like a parent and answer serious questions that their kids pose them. I also don’t get why the newscasters fail to point out that Wheatley makes fun of fat people as well. Sorry, but that’s still acceptable by societal standards (for the record, I as little beef with fat jokes as I do with adoption jokes; everything and everyone should be fair game). But again, that would require paying attention, and simply scour YouTube for plenty of examples that demonstrates the general ineptness and level of retardation that most anchors display (the movie Anchorman also does a fine job & is probably on TBS this very second). Not surprisingly, the response the story has gotten has been somewhat in the negative… … Again, more people saying words without even knowing what it actually means (along with lots of needless fatial ticks and other mannerisms). Unfortunately no response were received (or at least read) that helped to perpetuate the negative gamer stereotype. Would have loved to see Brigida Mack try and pronounce “lulz”. |
Zarine spotted kissing in nightclub Posted: 19 May 2011 04:16 PM PDT The Katrina look alike and Salman Khan discovery Zarine Khan has made news now. Apparently, it is heard that Zarine was spotted with a group of friends at one of the famous nightclub in Mumbai. A source who was present revealed that the pretty girl was receiving kisses on her cheeks from a mystery man and even Zarine was reciprocating. However, friends of Zarine reiterate that she is very much single and that was just a token of thanks to the guy who hosted a surprise party.
Title : Guyism After Dark: Beyonce, Jennifer, or Zharick???
Description : Guyism After Dark: Beyonce, Jennifer, or Zharick??? Guyism After Dark: Beyonce, Jennifer, or Zharick??? VIDEO: Botaosh...
Rating : 5