Feature Model Lily Wang
Name: Lily Zenna Wang
Birth Date: April 3rd
Hometown:Long beach CA
Ethnicity: Korean & Chinese
Website: Facebook
Hobbies:Sleep,eat,dance,model,paper chase.
Turn ons: they smell good and look clean.
Turn Offs:Ugly teeth, Smelling like butt.
Photographer Credits: Bry c, Joseph B, Jay P, Mosang, Peter,Clinton L,Paul P. And more.
Tell us a little bit about your personality.
I am very friendly. The type of girl to make you laugh most days. Easy to get along with as long as I get respect. I am a aries so i do like to be the leader of everything. I try my best on everything I do. I live my life to the fullest. & im trust worthy.
How did you get into modeling?
I was a little girl. Growing up learning about cars from my brother. He got me into cars at first. Then of course i started going to the races, car shows, & being part of this scene. Then I got hired to gogo and model not long after few car shows I went to. Proudly to say Im one of CAME’s spokes models.
How do you spend your time when you’re not modeling?
I live in las vegas so life isnt quiet when im at home. But i do have a parttime job to add digits to my bank account.
What fun fact, talent, or mutant superpower of yours should guys know about?
I’m really straight up when I judge a guy,so dont take it personal. I can make you crash into another car by looking at me (has happend before)
Whats the craziest thing you’ve ever done?
I did a 360 on the freeway in my first integra. And hit the wall going 95mph. (dumb and young angry driving days)
What’s one thing you can’t live without?
Family,Friends,& of course money.
Describe your most embarrassing moment.
When I tripd on Stage while gogoing. (play it off like I didnt,lol.)
Do you consider yourself more of a “giver” or a “taker”?
What would you say is your best feature and why?
You should be able to answer that.
What do you feel most comfortable wearing?
shorts and hoodie
what would it take for a guy to win your heart?
Not sure.
What’s the cheesiest pick up line you’ve ever heard?
Baby is your dad a baker cause you got cake -.-
Describe your idea of a perfect date.
No drama,nice weather & good food.
If you could customize any car, what would it be?
Any Shout Outs?
Shout out to CAME. check out our FB
Any last words to your supporters and future fans?
Thank you all for the love & supports. Hope to meet everyone at my future shows!!! If you want to get to know me follow my twitter @LILYZENNAWANG
My Fb fanpage